I am writing to thank you for the wonderful care and services provided to our beloved Mags. We could never have imagined that what started on a cold, scary December morning in 2017 would turn out to be a relationship offering Mags health and mobility and most Importantly, more time with us.

We nearly lost Mags that December morning due to a reaction to pain medications. One phone call and a few minutes later you were assessing the situation and developing a treatment plan. We’re confident that had you not been available we would have lost Mags that day. Instead, twenty – four hours later he was up an d back to normal and we were able to have nearly two more years with him.

From that day on, you were available by phone or text, anytime I had a question or concern about Mags’ health. You were always available to make a house call to check on him whenever the need was urgent . For minor issues you offered advice or suggested treatment options we could do at home. It meant so much when on occasion you would call to ask how he was doing if we hadn’t spoken for a while.

We saw a review from a former client claiming your services were too expensive or that you offered service’s they didn’t believe were necessary. We never found that to be true. Ours was a relationship built on partnership and collaboration. It is your professional responsibility to suggest treatment options. It is our responsibility to work with you t o discuss treatment goals and to decide what i s best for our situation and resources. We are certain you offer the same professionalism and compassion to all your clients.

The love and compassion you expressed to Mags and to us on his last day is greatly appreciated. Because of the relationship formed over the past two years, we couldn’t imagine having anyone else assist us in saying goodbye. Again, one phone call and you were here. We appreciate you taking the time to explain the steps that would be taken and what to expect. Your knowledge and expertise put our minds at ease during a very difficult and sad time. You shared our grief and offered tears and hugs in support.

Your thoughtfulness didn’t stop there. A few days later we received a letter from the K – State Pet Tribute informing us that you had made a generous monetary contribution in memory of Mags. Your contribution will place Mags’ name in a memorial book in the Veterinary Medical Library where it will remain forever. This act of kindness is appreciated more than you know and is yet another example of the great care and compassion you offer to your clients and their pets.

You are a dedicated and compassionate veterinarian and always treated Mags as if he were your own. There was never any doubt, you always had his best interest at heart. We are thankful for making that first call nearly two years ago. It will take our hearts time to heal and it may be awhile before we have another dog. For now, you’ll be caring for our cat and we look forward to continuing our relationship.

We appreciate you and all the care and services you provided for Mags.

Thank you so very much,

– Susan and Joel Maxon

I will never forget the day we brought you home. You were a fluffy little thing, almost like a tiny teddy bear, snuggled perfectly in my lap as I held you in the backseat of the car. I was eleven, and I was feeling for the first time how frightening and how honoring it is to be responsible for another living thing. On that car ride home, as I kept my knees pressed tight together through every bump and turn, I vowed to myself that I would keep you safe. I told my parents that the color of your fluff reminded me of peanut butter, and that was the day we gave you your name, Peanut.

It turns out you had energy more like popcorn than peanuts. Popping up on the furniture and zooming in and out of bedrooms and down the hall, stealing my socks and making your getaway like you just robbed a bank. It was impossible to keep you contained at dinnertime; your legs could turn into springs when there were table scraps at stake, and there wasn’t a dog pen or baby gate tall enough that you couldn’t jump right over it. You even hopped head-first into the toilet once.

It’s the hardest thing in the world to accept that the time has passed, that age has taken the springs out of your legs, the sight from your bright, curious eyes, and the sound from your fluffy ears. It’s surreal to think that when you came into my life you were so much younger than me, and now somehow you’ve passed me by. I know the time has come to say goodbye, but before I do, let me first say thank you.

Thank you Peanut, for your 17 years of companionship. Thanks for running around in the backyard with me, and snuggling on the couch with me, and spending afternoons laying on the living room floor with me doing sweet fuck-all, it was a great time. Thanks for letting me bury my face in your fluffy sides and poke your toe beans and boop your nose. Thanks for every time you went after the ball when I only pretended to throw it. Thanks for all the smiles and laughter you brought into our home. Thanks for all the licks, and the tailwags, and the barks, and the love.

I taught you to sit, but you taught me something much more valuable: that there is satisfaction in the simple things. A sunbeam to lay in, a warm bowl of food, and someone to give us a belly rub are truly the only things we need to be happy.

You were a good dog, Peanut. The goodest dog anybody could have asked for.

(PS: shortly after you left, I stepped outside and saw a rabbit run across the backyard. Peanut loved to chase the rabbits. I choose to take that as a sign that she’s chasing them in heaven now 🥲)